ADVEC Power Systems
Hybrid Nuclear - Solar Technology
ADVEC Power Systems (APS) has developed a market transformational energy technology. This technology has the following attributes, which are beneficial for the near term and very long term.
It has market potential in the $100's of billions
It is dramatically less expensive than conventional nuclear plants
It is "Green"
It is safe and the plants can be located near users
It is modular and compact (small footprint)
It is scalable from 100's of kW to 100's of MW
We have patented the technology
The APS power reactor systems are unique and are a "hybrid of nuclear and solar technologies". The technology allows us to efficiently convert nuclear energy into light and convert the light into electricity.The advantages are enormous.
The system can be air cooled (no water needed)
No turbines or generators
No giant cooling towers
The system is fail-safe (no burn through)
Other applications include powering water desalination plants and mining operations